1st of june,new month...^^
nothing special,still working,everything going normal
But until 2.oo p.m..........
eveything going wild,happy hours...xD
Gawai DAy
we promised Lynn and Sheilla to visit her house last weekends oredi
we didnt break our promise..haha
let see...the first house,Lynn house
she made the cake herself
u noe what are this three glass???
first glass is Tiger,second is Tuak[1 years rice wine] and third is sprite
wah,they intentionally want to make us drunk
if this three drink together ,the alchohol rates surely increases,
due to the reaction of the liquids
DARN!!!!Lol,wat are their abstention??they keep re-filled the wine,lol
Nick[Lynn husband]took out another wine
Label 5[scotch whisky] and another Tuak[kept brewed for 2 years oredi]
Darn,Sot,they refilled after i finish one glasses[T.T....THANKS anyway....]
the Tuak that kept brewed longer are nicer..xD
After that,we ate some foods....:)
glutinous rice is steamed in bamboo (ngelulun pulut)
nice nice,i like it
especially and specially when eat wif curry,oh my gudness,i felt like flying...hahahaha
and the pork meat[babi pansuh]
extremely nice...xD
hehe,pig in Lynn house
she feeded it,maybe around 10 pigs and piggies like tht i think,
bcoz i didnt walk till the end,i hardly stood wif the smell...
my gudness,,faint
luckily i wouldnt
hahaThen,we went to Sheilla's house
can u see it,the tuak is kept brewed for 1 years
but the colour is.......................
no idea
haha,ah seng drunk soon,u see his face,so red
the first one is my working place cheif,middle one is ah seng and thirch one is my new manager...:)The conclusion??????
u need to prepare if u really want to visit iban house next year,
they'r not like asian chinese styles
served wif junk food
wat i can say is...frm the beginner till the end,im fulled..................with Tuak and wine...-_-
of corse some of the other foods,but mostly is wine lo...hehe
and in the night,wat a sad new
my lovely teacher,involved in an accident
and passed away,
im felt sad although he was not the 1 tht taught me
he was not alone,wif his wife and two daughter,
His wife and his daughters were injured
when on the way kuching